May 2020: perhaps we are almost at the end of the quarantine imposed by the French government to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic. As you know, in fact, here in France, as in the rest of the world, we are all experiencing an atypical, certainly memorable, difficult and long historical moment. Yes, because the recovery will not be immediate, even at the end of the quarantine. Life will no longer be the same for a while, but it is good that we are beginning to develop new habits, new attitudes and new behaviors.

© Author: Ana Farias Sancho
Not for this reason we must be demoralized or think that the rest of the summer will be ruined. Probably this summer it will not be possible to go on holiday with our group of friends around Europe, we will have to be careful when we go to the beach or take a walk outdoors, but we must not give up being masters of ourselves and our days. In short, the watchword is: resistance!
This is why we at MEBA have understood that, if for safety reasons we cannot continue with our normal activities such as interventions in schools, live language cafés, evenings at Maison de l’Europe headquarters or sports events, we can however continue the project we started in September, making ourselves useful even from home: the walls will only be a physical boundary, but not a mental one. Therefore, for the next few months we will be keeping company virtually, but not with less fun and less involvement: we invite you to follow us also during this quarantine period and in the following weeks of May and June. Simply turn on your computer or smartphone and connect with us!
Would you like to learn how to cook Italian risotto? Or are you already planning your next holiday in Spain or on a Greek island? Don’t you know how to ask for a pint of beer at Oktoberfest? Do you think Portuguese and Brazilian are the same? Do you still have doubts about what the English mean by “brunch”? French wine is undoubtedly good but do you know that its origins are due to Georgian culture? Do you believe that Count Dracula is still alive in Transylvania? But don’t you know that Peter Plogojowitz was the first vampire to appear in an official document in Serbia in 1725? Are you still trying to figure out what Santa Claus does in Lapland for the rest of the year?
Together we will try to answer all the questions about our countries of origin and we will be able to resume with the linguistic coffees online, taking advantage of the unlimited power of the internet and social media: we will be able to share thoughts, videos, recipes, news, challenges, presentations for students, podcasts and games.
Sharing and participation have always been the basis of our project and even in this historical moment we are not backing down. If you are interested in our cultural activities or you also have proposals, send us an email to or contact us via Facebook at the official page of Maison de l’Europe Bordeaux-Aquitaine and the Jean Monnet Meba profile.
Piera Feduzi
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
Les chants du crépuscule
Puisque mai tout en fleurs dans les prés nous réclame,
Viens ! ne te lasse pas de mêler à ton âme,
La campagne, les bois, les ombrages charmants,
Les larges clairs de lune au bord des flots dormants,
Le sentier qui finit où le chemin commence,
Et l’air et le printemps et l’horizon immense,
L’horizon que ce monde attache humble et joyeux
Comme une lèvre au bas de la robe des cieux !
Viens ! et que le regard des pudiques étoiles
Qui tombe sur la terre à travers tant de voiles,
Que l’arbre pénétré de parfums et de chants,
Que le souffle embrasé de midi dans les champs,
Et l’ombre et le soleil et l’onde et la verdure,
Et le rayonnement de toute la nature
Fassent épanouir, comme une double fleur,
La beauté sur ton front et l’amour dans ton cœur !